Other considerations
Disclaimer: This is experimental software. Use at
your own risk. Under no circumstances may C A Exton or
exton.se be held liable for damage to hardware or
software, lost data or other damage either direct or
indirect caused by using this software.

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To read if you have an ATI/Radeon or a
Nvidia Optimus Graphics card
On one of my laptops with an ATI card, I could easily
run CruxEX 3.7 from a USB stick. When the system was
installed to the hard drive, however, X did not start.
(Error: vesa: Ignoring device with a bound kernel).
I could only solve this through the following
commands/measures in console mode:
1. ports -u
2. prt-get remove xorg-xf86-video-ati
3. Finally, I created this xorg.conf
file and put the same in /etc/X11. Then X
started up nicely!
The same thing happened when I tried to run CruxEX
version 220104 on a laptop with a Nvidia Optimus
Graphic card.
CruxEX version 221031 you just have to follow my
advice 3. I.e. put my xorg.conf
file in /etc/X11.
Connect With Me
CruxEX 3.7 64bit Linux

to hard disk - Build 221031
CruxEX can be installed to the hard drive in live
mode, which can be expected to be perceived as
positive by some. CRUX - the original system -
contains neither Xfce, Fluxbox, Gnome, KDE, LXDE, or
any other Desktop
environment. Please read my INSTALL
Instructions as regards Build 221031. While
installing CruxEX 3.7 to hard disk you can install Grub2
as startup manager.
NOTE: In CruxEX Build 240910 you shall use
Refracta Installer when installing to hard drive. Very
Install CruxEX 3.7 USB to a USB Pen Drive -
Build 221031
Please read my INSTRUCTION
for CruxEX 3.7. It can be done in Windows (very easy)
and in Linux. It's a bit complicated to do it in Linux,
but it can be done.
INSTALLATON TO A USB STICK as regards Build 240910
Use Rufus 4.5 in
Windows. No persistence. You CAN enable persistence, but
CruxEX will run awfully slow then. The best way to run
CruxEX Build 240910 is to run it super fast from RAM.
After boot you can eject the USB stick.
Login to LXDE
Log in from Slim Login Manager as the ordinary user live
or as root with password live/root.
While logged in as root you won't have sound. While
logged in as live you can use Sudo
to become root. Example command: sudo pcmanfm. Problems with X?
Please read my advice below in the left column.
Wireless connections
Use NetworkManager/NetworkManager
Applet to configure wireless connections. Give
your WEP/WAP password and connect. That's it! Maybe you
will have to disconnect
and reconnect. (Just click on the applet icon
in the menu bar to the right).
Run CruxEX Build 221031
in VirtualBox in Windows
Once you have installed CruxEX to a USB stick you can
run CruxEX from the USB stick in VirtualBox.
Follow this instruction.
You can go on and also install CruxEX in VirtualBox. NOTE1:
While running CruxEX from a USB stick in VirtulBox the
stick will be known as /dev/sda1. Your virtual hard
drive will be known as /dev/sdb1. So after a hard drive
install in VirtualBox you'll have to change /etc/fstab
from /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sda1 and /boot/grub/grub.cfg
from root=/dev/sdb1 to root=/dev/sda1.
Watch a screenshot
when CruxEX is running from hard drive in VirtualBox. NOTE2:
You may experience Internet problems while
running CruxEX in VirtualBox. Solve them by editing
/etc/resolv.conf. Add nameserver on a
separate line. Watch this screenshot.
After a hard drive installation of CruxEX in VirtualBox
you can make the file /etc/resolv.conf unchangeable with
the command sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf.
NOTE3: When running CruxEX in VirtualBox you'll
have to add nomodeset to the boot line. Press
TAB when you see the boot menu and add nomodeset.
Then press ENTER. Watch a screenshot
when CruxEX 3.7 is running in VirtualBox.
NOTE4: CruxEX Build 231208 can (of course) run
directly from the ISO file in VirtualBox an VMware.
Use Spotify Web
Player while running Google Chrome. (Only in Build
221031). For some (unknown) reason the player doesn't
work in Firefox (in both versions).
Install/remove software
Please read about CRUX
System. Most important commands: ports -u,
prt-get sysup, prt-get depinst
MyUsefulProgram, prt-get remove
NOTE1: Don't forget to run ports
-u first! Sometimes it can be necessary to add -if
(ignore footprint) and/or -im (ignore
md5sum) and/or -is
(ignore signatue) to the just mentioned install command
prt-get depinst. Also -f (force) can be needed.
Example: The command prt-get depinst -if -im -f vlc
will install Vlc
Media Player. (Takes a couple of hours...). NOTE2: If you just
want to update/upgrade/reinstall one package you can do
it with prt-get update MyUsefulPackage
NOTE 3: When upgrading the whole
CruxEX/CRUX system you must exclude Firefox and Rust.
Firefox requires
Rust to be built. So you must use this command: prt-get
sysup --ignore=firefox,rust,rust-bin,python3
NOTE4: To be able to upgrade CruxEX to the
present state I had to upgrade Python
from version 3.10 to the latest Python version 3.12.
Version 3.12 is not included in CRUX repositories. You
must therefore exclude python3 when upgrading the
system. If not the system might be made unusable.
Study ALL INSTALLED packages in CruxEX 3.7
1) Build 240910
2) Build 221031
Study ALL
UPDATED packages in Build 240910
It can be necessary to log in twice before you can start
any apps. I.e. just log out from the LXDE Desktop and
log in again. Everything will be alright then.
1. The
LXDE Desktop for the live user in Build 240910
2. The
LXDE Desktop for root in Build 240910
3. A
Wireless connection in Build 240910
4. CruxEX
running in full screen in VirtualBox - Build 240910
LXDE Desktop for the live user in Build 221031
The LXDE Desktop for root in Build 221031
action in Build 221031
running from USB in VirtualBox in Build 221031
USB live boot screen in Build 221031
Netflix running in Google Chrome in Build 221031
Wireless connection in Build 221031
Running Alsamixer for sound in Build 221031
Spotify Web Player is running in Build 221031
CruxEX 3.7 64bit 2024/2022 version 240910/221031 can be
downloaded from SourceForge.net
- Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest
Open Source applications and software directory.
for CruxEX 3.7 64bit ISO version 240910
for CruxEX 3.7 64bit ZIP version 221031
Android-x86 Custom

Read about my Android-x86
Systems 11, 10, Pie, Oreo,
Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop
and KitKat at
andex.exton.net - latest
is AndEX
11 (with GAPPS),
10 (with GAPPS)
and AndEX
Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 15, 14, 13, 12,
11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat,
Marshmallow and Lollipop
versions for Raspberry
Pi 5, 4 and 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se –
latest is RaspAnd
15 (with GAPPS),
14 (also with GAPPS), 13
and 12
(without GAPPS),
11 (with GAPPS)
and RaspAnd
Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!